29th B-Day Trials WILL make us stronger
IF we allow it to happen...
IF we allow it to happen...
There won't be any pictures unless I can figure out how to do it on Brooklyn's computer... Mine is dying.
Hey guys.
So we are at President and Hermana Wright's house right now. Hermana Diaz is talking to her family right now on the phone and I am using President Wright's computer to write to you all. We have been here all day because we found out this morning that Hermana Diaz's father passed away last night. I can't even tell you how badly my heart hurt for her as she goes through the decisions she needs to make as to if she is going home or not. I know during times like this that He is always there for us. Waiting for us to reach up to take His hand. Wanting to comfort us. I am just hoping that I can maybe be his arms this week as I try to help her through this terrible time. I believe as of right now, she has decided to stay here in Chile to complete her mission as it was the wish of her father.
As for this week, ROSE I GOT YOUR LETTER!!! Sorry I forgot to tell you in your personal email. BUT I GOT IT!!! I might have laughed so hard. Your pictures are up on my wall. =)
Oh ya so we saw a lady this week sitting out in the street with her big pregnant belly hanging out. And I looked at Hermana Wright and said, "what in the world?".... and Hermana Diaz says... "the baby is hot." I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Sometimes, I have decided, we all have very weird ideas. Haha.
So this week. I might have carried a watermelon from a fruit stand to our apartment. Um, about a mile. This watermelon weighed... um.... 13.5kg.... not sure what that is in pounds, but um, it was heavy... BUT it is such a good watermelon! We are still eating it and it's been about a week of us 4 eating a bowl full everyday. My back kind of regrets it now, but hey it's delicious. I am going to try to send a photo of it.
Mom. I ate toast with peanut butter and bananas this week and thought of you. It was sooo good.
I had a week full of trials and personal doubts; however, I know my strength is in my Savior. I know to some it seems weird and impossible to say that I have strength in someone who I cannot see or hear or touch. But I know it without a doubt.
I found a great talk this week for you all to read. It brought me a lot of comfort this week.
(1) http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/10/look-ahead-and-believe?lang=eng&query=look+ahead+and+believe
I almost cried this week because we tried to pray with so many people this week in the street. I believe God wants to speak with us at any time in any place with anyone. If he really is our Heavenly Father, then I can guarantee that he wants to speak with us. He wants to bless us. He wants to hear from us. Pray people. Just pray.
I had an interesting question this week... When did I receive my testimony? maybe the better question is: when did I first feel the promptings of the spirit? Think about it for yourself...
Alright. I am going to try to send off some pictures. We'll see if I can do it on President's computer.
There are two of an accident that happened outside of our appartment this week.

The watermelon.

The American Red Cross of Chile.

The watermelon.
The American Red Cross of Chile.
I love you all!!! MWAH!!!!
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