First thing, we had a very exciting moment here in the ward last Sunday. The Chilean memories never cease... So we're in sacrament meeting, the Bishop's talking, everything is going well... Until an Hermana from the ward comes and very quickly sits next to me on the bench and says, "there's an Hermano in the back who's really sick we need your help". I'm thinking vomiting, faint, headache, something normal right? So I tell Hermana Tingey to come with me and we go to the back of the room. There's like 5 people over him. I couldn't get in to him; I tried but they just didn't move. He's practically unconscious with his body limp, but miraculously sitting in the seat still. Responding only in gargles and gasps. I'm thinking that I've gotta get in there so I start pushing (hahaha) and then I get pushed! ... I was like what is going on? Then hands take me by the shoulders and literally move my body. Then this control-taking, man's voice says, "Excuse me Hermana". I'm thinking, that's a doctors voice... Yes! I just got saved. So we pushed everyone out of the way and the Hermano Doctor and I started working on him. I said to him, "Are you a doctor?" (I wanted to make sure I wasn't working with a wolf in sheep's clothing hahaha). He said, "Yes, Hermana let's do this together." So we worked at it, trying to diagnose and treat him for the next 30 minutes. We were without any medical supplies (what preparation), but we just bounced off of eachother for a minute or two and we had the best diagnosis we could come up with. Hypoglycemia. The Hermano has uncontrolled diabetes because he does not take care of himself; he took a lot of insulin in the morning and didn't eat a good breakfast. After getting him on the floor and shoving juice down his throat, we got him to come back us. He was doing really well after that and wanted to go home. Not a chance. An ambulance was called and they came to take him to the hospital. As far as I know he was there for 2 days with lots of testings. Shocking part... The final diagnosis wasn't hypoglycemia; he had a mini stroke. However, he is back at home doing well. I tell you what though, it was a scary, adrenaline pumping moment and I felt like a real nurse again (and a bit like a newbie).
We were just told that the Church has an olive vineyard here in Chile. Isn't that cool? I wanna go see it. :)
I read this quote this past week and i liked it. We all need to remember this. When someone mistreats us, when we become impatient, when we have the idea to mistreat someone, when we forget who's children we are….
"Try to see all people as children of Heavenly Father. It’s not just a nice idea; it’s a reality. Let it sink deep into your heart, and your interactions may change."
We have a guy who works as a "porter" (conserje) in our apartment building. His name is Juan and his absolutely hilarious. He's 65 years old and works everyday, all day. In the past he's talked with the Elders when they lived here (about a year ago). So we got talking one day an we ended up giving him a pamphlet about the restoration because he said he wanted one to read. This past week we stopped by to see if had read or thought about it. He said he had read it and gave it to a fellow workmate but did not remember much. So we talked to him about it, laughed a ton with him, and said we would stop by again. It was really funny for 2 reasons. (1) We have nicknames because he cant pronounce our last names. I am Solange and H. Tingey is Catalin. Bahahahaha. At first he called me Sister Mary and I told him no way cause that name is wayyy too common in Chile (and boring). Hahahaha. And (2) he says we are "get to the punch girls" because never in his time talking to the other missionaries have they taught him about what we believe (I might have brought the conversation back to Christ at least 5 times hahaha). It was a good experience to laugh with him and receive a Chilean nickname. :)
18 de Septiembre!!! The national holiday of Chile! I thought we, Americans, were patriotic people... Until I came here. Wow. Everyone has their huge BBQs, loud music, kites, parties, and dances. Also, in the church ward, there was a huge party and we, Hermanas and the Rasmussens, sang a Chilean folk song: "Si vas para Chile". Let's just say it was fun learning it, but when it came down to singing it.... We laughed a ton. In the video, it doesn't quite look so terrible. Our saving grace. :) Hermana Tingey and I memorized the song in 2 days and are going to have it stuck in our heads for more than 2 months. Haha. We sing it all of the time in the street. It really is a cute song. Oh yes and at the ward party, we served a TON of hours (more than we thought). We were asked by the Bishop Pardo to be there at 10am to help the youth decorate the church. Needless to say noone showed up. So we did it. Then we realized there were only 2 hermanos there to make and cook all of the home made empanadas. No way were we going to let them do them all. It was time to serve our ward! So the 4 of us got to work. We made 280 empanadas. It took us from about 12:00-4:00pm to do them all. It was ALOT of work, but they were soooo good. :) So now that I've learned how, we'll have a Chilean party when I get home.
Chilean fact: they are VERY frank people and at times without tact. We contacted a 60 year old lady last week because she was outside of her house not doing anything; we figured why not? The first thing she said, while shaking her head, was: "oh no, I don't like Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses!". I asked her what she knew about the church and if something had happened in the past to give her such a strong stand. She just flat out said, "No, nothing happened and I don't know anything about your church. All that I know is I don't like Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses!". In my brain and heart, I was ready to attack. But I kept my cool (thank goodness I have a name-tag with His name on it). I ended up teaching her about the Godhead and how frequently we judge before coming to know what we are judging. That we, as missionaries, are not here to criticize, control, or obligate the persons that listen to us; that we really are here to help people realize what it means to come into Christ through His restored church, then from there they can decide to accept it or not. After a few minutes she warmed up and talked with us, but oh how my blood boiled a little when she was so nasty and ignorant. Sometimes I wonder what has happened to social respect... I hope that at home I never treated anyone like that and that I never will. Be kind to each other. Share a little love and caring.
Mom, thanks for making it possible for me to learn to love the piano and the gospel. You were the one to show and encourage me along the way. I might have driven you crazy with playing 24/7, but it was only to help you develop patience. :)
A little boy was practicing the piano, and a salesman, upon seeing him through a window, asked, "Is your mother home?"
To which the child replied, “And … what do you think?”
Our five dear children play the piano, thanks to the motivation of my wife! When the teacher arrived at our home, our son Adrián would run and hide in order to skip his lesson. But one day something marvelous occurred! He began to love music so much that he continued practicing on his own.
If we could reach that point in the process of our conversion, it would be marvelous. It would be wonderful to have a desire deep in our hearts to keep the commandments without anyone constantly reminding us and to have a firm conviction that if we follow the right path, we will have the blessings promised in the scriptures.
Let us have changed hearts (Alma 5). Let us follow our Savior without having to be constantly reminded by our family, teachers, friends, and prophets as to what we should be doing. Let us become converted and enjoy the blessings from Heaven, so that we can say we are His disciples!
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